

Known the world over for his bass work with Kim Salmon & the Surrealists, Kim Salmon & The Business, The Scientists, Dave Graney & Clare Moore Featuring The Lurid Yellow Mist, The Brass Bed, Luxedo and more.).
Under the influence of writers, poets and revolutionaries, Stu T offers a rich musical journey through a darkly compelling world thats bursting at the seams with an unholy grace.
A world of menacing glances, seedy bars, red wine and heavy breathing over a dodgy phone line.
Think of the soundtrack to a 50s film noir outing, with Stu T as detective, inhabiting scenes full of intrigue, cigarette smoke, the wife of another man and heavy consequences, all played out in saturated black and white.
Deep-well baritone vocals and warm, nocturnal undercurrents recall Serge Gainsbourg and Johnny Cash, alongside twisted Lee and Nancy duets for a new generation.
Recorded in Stus Melbourne home, Audrey Studios (Melbourne) and Mez Studios (Berlin), all songs were penned by Stu T except for the chilling re-working of "Folsom Prison Blues".
Guest appearances include:
Clare Moore (Moodists), Anna Burley (Killjoys) and Mike Noga (The Drones).
"Devil & Daughter" is destined to remain a Sunday-morning-coming-down favourite.
With an exclusive bonus track ("O Enemy"), recorded in Berlin, not available on the Australian release.
Handnumbered Limited Edition of 500

Titel: Devil And Daughter
Label: Bang
Stil: Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Best-Nr.: BANG!-LP26
Typ: LP
Preis: 24.- CHF

STU THOMAS - Devil And Daughter

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Its Really Nothing
Light And Shadow
Treble And Bass
If Only...
Real Big Spender

Out Of Body
Road To Hell
What If She Comes
O Enemy
Folsom Prison Blues

Weitere Platten vom Label Bang
Weitere Platten zum Musikstil Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
Bestsellers des Musikstils Rock'n'Roll: Underground/Independent
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